Scientist from the University of Lodz promotes Polish culture in Peru


Dr Jędrzej Kotarski from the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Lodz (UŁ), thanks to a grant from the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), conducted the first several-month comprehensive course of Polish language and culture at the prestigious Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria in Lima in the almost 100-year history of Polish-Peruvian relations.      

The aim of the project ” Polish language and culture course in Peru (Pol-Peru)” was to promote Polish culture and language in Peru. This task was accomplished by conducting a several-month, intensive language and culture course at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) – the oldest technical university on the continent. This university was founded in 1876 ​​by the Polish engineer Jan Edward Habich, who as the Rector headed it for 33 years.

Dr Jędrzej Kotarski emphasizes that the interest in learning Polish and studying in Poland is currently high in Peru thanks to the consistent increase in the knowledge about Poland and Poles among Peruvians in recent years provided by the Polish Ambassador in Lima and the activities carried out under the NAWA project.
