Scientist from the University of Wrocław wins an individual award from the Minister of Education and Science


Dr Andrzej Bodył from the Laboratory of Evolutionary Protistology at the University of Wrocław won an individual award of the Minister of Education and Science for significant achievements in scientific activity. 

He was awarded for the work “Mechanisms of the evolution of plastids on the example of secondary plastids of red algae” published in Biological Reviews. Plastids are peculiar cell organelles that have arisen from free-living organisms such as cyanobacteria as a result of primary endosymbiosis. Plastids carry out photosynthesis, which is the basis of our biosphere.

The laureate dealt with the basic problems in modern biology, such as the evolution of eukaryotic cells and their organelles. He is interested not only in the description of phenomena and processes in the “world” of plastids and algae, but above all in discovering their mechanism.

