Scientists can apply for the fourth Dioscuri competition


The National Science Center (NCN), together with the Max Planck Society are inviting scientists to participate in the fourth Dioscuri competition. The organizers are planning to establish three Dioscuri Centers. Competition applications will be accepted until June 15, 2021.

The winner of the competition for the Dioscuri Center should be outstanding scientists who have the competence to create and run a renowned and internationally recognized research group.

The Dioscuri Center will receive funding of € 300,000 per year for the first five years of operation and the next five years of positive evaluation.

The Dioscuri Center may be established in a Polish university or other Polish research organization, specified in the competition, which has the capacity to support the Center through appropriate facilities, scientific equipment, additional financial resources and a long-term perspective for the Center Leader. The activities of the Dioscuri Center will also be accompanied by a German scientific partner and an international Scientific Advisory Committee.

