Scientists from Olsztyn to investigate the potential of honey in the prevention of civilisation diseases

Stanislaw Bielski/REPORTER

The potential of honey to prevent high blood pressure, obesity and neurological diseases will be investigated by scientists from the Department of Food Chemistry and Biodynamics of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IRZiBŻ PAN) in Olsztyn, as part of a project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development.

‘Honeys are rich in many components with health-promoting properties, which have already been described in scientific publications’, says Dr Małgorzata Starowicz, head of the Department of Food Chemistry and Biodynamics at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IRZiBŻ PAN). ‘We have undertaken to test the potential of honey in the prevention of civilisation-related diseases. We will verify whether honey, enriched with targeted additives of antioxidants of natural origin, has the potential to prevent arterial hypertension, obesity or neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s’, she adds.

Poland is the largest producer of honey in Europe and its production is an important part of the national economy.

Medicine and biotechnology