Scientists from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan to search E-sport


The Laboratory of Psychophysiology of Health at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, started innovative research on e-sport- the fastest growing branch of sport competition. The research involved e.g. players of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and FIFA game series.

Researchers have introduced an extensive methodology for psychophysiological laboratory experiments to research on e- sports. In addition to the results of the game, they analyse physiological signals (frequency and variability of heart contractions), mimic expression or motor activity of the body.

Research on e-sportspeople can show mechanisms that drive human behavior, such as the impact of emotions on performance. The situation of playing video games creates great controllable conditions for testing many general psychological issues. Research should answer how to use games, e.g. to shape effective methods of regulating emotions.
More: consciousosci/aktualnosci/studenci/e-sport-pod-lupa-naukowcow

Higher education