Scientists from the University of Adam Mickiewicz discover the Roman arsenal in Bulgaria 


A research group from the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań (AMU) is carrying out research in Bulgaria as part of the Polish-Bulgarian project “Legionary camp and Roman city, early Byzantine Novae” in the Roman province of Lower Moesia. 

Scientists are working in the so-called armamentarium – a monumental building of a unique arsenal in the Limes of the Danube Roman Empire. This facility attracted great interest in the scientific world, both among historians, archaeologists and architects. Scientists from the Institute of Archeology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and archaeologists from the Deutschen Archäologischen Institut in Berlin, Université de Lille and Université du Québec à Rimouski have announced their visits there, combined with the possibility of a direct view of the rediscovered armamentarium.

The implementation of the project and the work of the scientific-research mission are carried out thanks to the aid and financial support from the UAM university budget and from the “University of Tomorrow” project.
