Scientists from the University of Wrocław fight against cancer


Scientists from the Department of Protein Engineering of the University of Wrocław have started pioneering research to increase the effectiveness of modern targeted anticancer therapies.

The project, implemented under the SONATA BIS grant of the National Science Center, aims to explain the role of the entire galectin family in the regulation of the FGF / FGFR system.

– Galectins have many important functions in the cell. In the case of cancer, they can help tumors escape from being recognized and destroyed by our immune system. They can also fuel the division and movement of cancer cells. The FGF / FGFR system and galectins have so far been treated to a large extent as two unrelated groups of proteins. Our results suggest, however, that these proteins can cooperate with each other in the regulation of signal transmission in the cell and in the modulation of protein transport – says Prof. Łukasz Opaliński from the Faculty of Biotechnology at the University of Wrocław.


Medicine and biotechnology