Scientists investigating the Piast monuments on the bottom of Lednickie Lake


Researchers from the Center of Underwater Archeology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń together with researchers from the Jagiellonian, Warsaw and Gdańsk Universities are conducting research on the bottom of the Lednickie Lake. In this area probably the first baptisms of dignitaries from the surroundings of Mieszko I were performed.

The Center of Underwater Archeology has continued its research on the islands of the Lednickie Lake conducted since the 1980s by the Department of Underwater Archeology UMK. The island of Ostrów on Lake Lednickie was one of the most important centers of the state of the epoch of the early Piasts. It was here that Bolesław the Brave was probably born, and the stone chapel next to the palatium was the place of baptism of the entourage of Mieszko I, and maybe himself.

This year, researchers focused mainly on the bridge from Ledniczka island discovered 2 years ago, which in the time of Mieszko I connected the knight’s watchtower to the mainland. Although only wooden fragments of the structure were left, it was possible to create its digital reconstruction.
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