Scientists of the Częstochowa University of Technology receive patents for their invention


Scientists of the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy of Research Network Łukasiewicz and the Częstochowa University of Technology obtained a scientific patent for the invention “Method of producing steel directly from iron ore”.

Scientists: Dr Eng. Marian Niesler, Dr Eng. Janusz Stecko and Prof. Eng. Jan Mróz of the Częstochowa University of Technology worked on a method of producing steel directly from iron ore using hydrogen.

Hydrogen enables to produce steel from iron ore without emitting carbon dioxide. The elimination of many intermediate stages of steel production from the current technological chain of steel production: coke plant-sinter plant-blast furnace-steel plant, makes the new method not only cheaper, but also environmentally friendly, precisely due to the fact that the use of hydrogen in the new process virtually eliminates the main sources of emissions carbon dioxide, such as the processes of coke production, reduction of iron ore with coal and the processes of carbon oxidation in the steelworks.

Innovations Technical sciences