Scientists of the Silesian University of Technology receive grants within the 12th Leader program


Dr Eng. Aleksandra Kozłowska from the Department of Engineering and Biomedical Materials and Dr Eng. Michał Frątczak from the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology won grants for the Leader program organized by the National Center for Research and Development.  

Dr Eng. Aleksandra Kozłowska obtained almost PLN 1.2 million for the project “Innovative heat and thermoplastic treatment technology for ultra-fine-grained high-strength multi-phase steel forgings”. Dr Eng. Michał Frątczak received almost PLN 1.5 million for the “Development of an autonomous control system for heat generation and distribution processes ensuring the improvement of energy efficiency and production efficiency”.

The goal of the Lider program is to expand the competences of young scientists in their independent research works and managing their own research team during the implementation of research projects, which results may be applied in practice and have implementation potential.



Innovations Research and development