Scientists of the University of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz to receive a prestigious award


3D printing combined with exoskeletons are a chance to improve the fitness of children who suffer from weak muscles. The project of scientists of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz is nominated for the competition “Eureka! DGP – we discover Polish inventions”.

Scientists Prof. Eng. Mariusz Kaczmarek, Dr Eng. Marek Macko, Dr Eng. Dariusz Mikołajewski, and Zbigniew Szczepański for 4 years have been conducting research, which may facilitate the movement of children with the problem of weak muscles. Thanks to the combination of 3D technology and the exoskeleton, an effective and low-cost method has been developed.

– We needed a solution that is cheap, quick to produce, not too complicated to use and relatively resistant, because children will play in the sandbox or on the beach. All documentation is ready. Now we are looking for a partner to implement the invention – says Dr Eng. Dariusz Mikołajewski.

Innovations Medicine and biotechnology