Scientists of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology develop device for assessing the potential of plants


Scientists of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology have developed device for assessing the potential of plants. Thanks to a special micro-pot equipped with modern technology, it will enable to examine the quality of seeds and assess what plants will grow.

The micro-pot, designed in the department of microsystem electronics and photonics, is 20 mm high, 10 mm wide and 5 mm thick. It can test the plant’s ability to be at maximum productivity. It works by measuring the forces exerted by the roots and stems on the sensors placed in the pot with high accuracy.

The structures responsible for measuring the force are beams with a thickness of 200 to 600 micrometers. The whole thing is printed in 3D technology, so the micro- pots can be adjusted to any seed size. The seed sample test takes approximately 5 days depending on the germination period.

Scientists are planning to use biodegradable materials so that the micro- pots can be planted together with the seed in the ground, providing it with additional nutritional value.

