Second Students’ Scientific Conference “The role of law in shaping the modern world” 

Wyższa Szkoła Administracji i Biznesu w Gdyni

The Academic Club of Administrative Law at the School of Administration and Business (WSAiB) in Gdynia is inviting participants to the 2nd Student Scientific Conference “The role of law in shaping the modern world”. The event will take place on 21 April at the university and on the MS Teams platform. 

The organisers are inviting scientific clubs and students who would like to share their knowledge and thoughts related to contemporary challenges and problems of legislation. The speeches should reflect the current state of knowledge, providing a basis for hypotheses regarding the near or distant future in terms of the topics discussed.

The modern world is confronted with the challenges of intense civilisational progress. A well-organised social life counteracts various internal and global threats. Proposing changes in legislation and stabilising legislative processes is essential to achieve a rationalised and coherent legal system.

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