Silesian University of Technology created Settlement Game

fot. Politechnika Śląska

Students from the URBANMODEL scientific association at the Silesian University of Technology (PŚ) have developed the Settlement Game. It is a card game designed to create awareness of planning the space in which we live every day. The project was led by Dr Eng. arch. Tomasz Bradecki, Professor at the Silesian University of Technology.

“This is no ordinary card game. Its task is, on the one hand, to teach students, i.e. to assist in didactics, but on the other hand, it is also a tool that shows certain ideas, e.g. how to shape a housing estate so that the space created is resident-friendly”, explains the originator of the game.

How can you design a dream settlement in the game? All you have to do is use the right cards. Each card in the deck represents an area of one hectare. It is up to the player which card he or she chooses and how many flats and buildings he or she plans on a given plot (card), as well as trees, green areas and other important settlement infrastructure facilities.

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Technical sciences