Silesian University of Technology joins the “EU Career Ambassadors” program


The Silesian University of Technology joined the program of the European Personnel Selection Office “EU Career Ambassadors”. Students of the Silesian university will be able to submit their candidacy for representatives who will undertake information and promotion of employment in European institutions.

The program has been very popular among students for over 10 years. Participation in it allows students to gain experience useful in further professional life. Motivation and ease of establishing contacts are the most essential features that a candidate should demonstrate. Within the academic year, the ambassadors will promote a career in the institutions of the European Union and at their universities.

The tasks of the ambassadors will include: providing information to interested students and graduates, organizing meetings with EU officials, as well as cooperation with the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Representation of the European Commission in Warsaw and student organizations and self-governments.

Higher education