Silesian University of Technology joins the HI-EURECA-PRO project consortium

Tomasz Kawka/East News

A consortium involving the Silesian University of Technology will carry out the HI-EURECA-PRO project. The undertaking concerns innovations related to cultural, industrial and mining heritage. One of the outcomes will be the development and implementation of courses to improve the competences of employees affected by the digital transformation of the industry.

The project will be implemented by nine universities working in the EURECA-PRO alliance: University of Leoben (Austria – leader), Technical University Freiberg (Germany), University of Petrosani (Romania), University of Leon (Spain), Technical University of Crete (Greece), Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Hasselt University (Belgium), University of Lorraine (France) and Silesian University of Technology.

The consortia will work on the issue of sustainable economic and social development resulting from regional heritage in Poland, Greece and Romania, and on identifying best practices to support heritage-based innovation.

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