Wrocław University of Economics joins the GameHeArtS project consortium

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu

A research team from the University of Economics in Wrocław (UEW) will implement the GameHeArtS: Games, Heritage, Arts, & Sport: the economic, social, and cultural value of the European videogame ecosystem project. 

The project, which is being implemented under HORIZON – Research and Innovation Actions, aims to maximise the value of the European videogame and video game industry (EVGIE) ecosystems and, more broadly, the creative and cultural industries (CCI). The project’s budget is €3.9 million (of which approximately €600,000 is for UEW.

The project focuses on initiating and stimulating stronger collaboration between traditional and emerging cultural sectors to create inclusive and socially responsible cultural experiences. Industry partners in the consortium include the UK’s City Football Group, the London Symphony Orchestra and the Imperial War Museum in London.

Read more: http://www.ue.wroc.pl/aktualnosci/27321/zespol_z_uew_w_horizon_research_and_innovation_actions.html

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