Dr Eng. Zuzanna Miodońska from the Department of Medical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence at the Silesian University of Technology has become a laureate of the START 2023 programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. She received the award for developing IT solutions to support the study of children’s speech, the university reports.
The Foundation awarded 100 young scientists from across the country. One of the distinctions – the Barbara Skarga Scholarship for scientific works distinguished by crossing boundaries between different fields of science – was given to Dr Zuzanna Miodońska.
The awarded research concerns the development of IT solutions dedicated to the analysis of children’s speech, especially disordered speech, using analytical and computational techniques and acoustic phonetics tools. Their results could support the work of speech therapists by speeding up screening tests, supporting beginner diagnosticians, objectivising and visualising diagnosis and making it possible to follow the progress of therapy.
Read more: https://www.polsl.pl/ps_aktualnosci/dr-inz-zuzanna-miodonska-laureatka-programu-start-2023/