Researchers from the department of biomedical engineering at the Silesian University of Technology are co-developing a wound scanner to assist in the treatment of chronic wounds – especially diabetic wounds or venous ulceration. The scanner is used to image and diagnose wounds that are difficult to heal. Scanning is carried out in a non-contact manner, making the procedure sterile, hygienic and painless for the patient.
The construction of the device is being carried out by Yoshi Group company WoundScanning sp. z o.o. and is an implementation of the results of research conducted by the Department of Medical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence at the Silesian University of Technology in the field of imaging and analysis of chronic wounds.
The Silesian University of Technology is a subcontractor in the project, carrying out conceptual work in the construction of the scanner and in the processing and analysis of the data collected. The university is also responsible for developing the relevant software.
Read more: https://www.polsl.pl/ps_aktualnosci/pomoc-w-leczeniu-przewleklych-ran/