Silesian University of Technology to create a Centre of Competence in Industrial Safety

fot. Politechnika Śląska

An ultra-modern Competence Centre for Safety, Operational Analysis and Management of Hazardous Situations in Industry will be established at the Silesian University of Technology as a result of an agreement between the university and the Institute of Mineral and Energy Economy of the Polish Academy of Sciences. the result of an agreement between the university and the Institute of Mineral and Energy Economy of the Polish Academy of Sciences.  

Consisting of six laboratories, the centre will represent a new quality on a European scale in terms of research and training, using simulation and virtualisation in laboratory conditions of hazardous situations related to cyber threats, natural and industrial hazards. 

Based on the latest developments in automation and computer science using artificial intelligence, the site will allow the simulation of industrial, technological processes and emergency situations, linking the distributed monitoring, control and security systems responsible for the operation of the enterprise.

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