International project involving scientists from Bialystok University of Technology

fot. PB

A team of researchers from the Faculty of Management Engineering at the Bialystok University of Technology (PB), led by Dr Eng. Arkadiusz Jurczuk, Prof. PB, has started a new project under the Erasmus+ programme. 

PB is a member of an international consortium in which universities from France, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany and Romania have pledged to work together to improve European innovation potential for the 5.0 transformation. Researchers will be supported by business partners and key industrial clusters from these countries, as well as the University of Vienna and Korea’s Jeotong University.

The international project entitled ‘Co-Creative Decision-Makers For 5.0 Organisations’ is being implemented and funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the Alliances for Innovation competition.

“Transformation 5.0 complements the existing paradigm of Industry 4.0 with an orientation precisely on the human being,” explains Dr Eng. Arkadiusz Jurczuk, Prof. PB, and adds that he plays a key role in the design and implementation of Organisation 5.0 processes, because it is the human being, thanks to conscious use of the potential of modern digital technologies, who creates innovative solutions.

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