Silesian University of Technology to educate air traffic controllers

fot. Politechnika Śląska

The Silesian University of Technology will educate air traffic service personnel. This is the result of cooperation with the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PAŻP) established in April. In December, the partners signed an agreement specifying the details of cooperation in the area of educating candidates for air traffic controllers, reads the university’s website. 

“The Silesian University of Technology, with substantive support from the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PAŻP), as part of its activities relating to the training of students at the Centre for the Education of Civil Aviation Personnel, is continuing its efforts related to the launch of a certified organisation training candidates for air traffic controllers within the structures of the university”, said Jarosław Kozuba, Ph.D., Professor of the Silesian University of Technology. 

The Polish Air Navigation Services Agency is actively developing cooperation with national military and civil universities in the area of training air traffic service personnel.


Higher education