Silesian University of Technology’s Centre for Incubation and Technology Transfer team developed a board game

Politechnika Śląska

The team at the Centre for Incubation and Technology Transfer (CITT) of the Silesian University of Technology has developed a board game ‘Science is the business of tomorrow’. The game was created on the occasion of CITT’s 15th anniversary. Its purpose is to introduce the activities of the Centre, whose role is to bring together the worlds of science and business.

The game consists of a board, pawns, special cards and CITTons, which are used as currency in the game. The player assumes the role of a scientist at the Silesian University of Technology and learns the steps involved in the process of implementing technology. The gameplay allows the player to understand the steps involved in technology transfer, thus encouraging them to find the optimal path from university to business. 

“Board games are an effective method of transferring knowledge. They engage players’ attention and usually evoke positive associations. They also require action according to set rules and principles. The game created by the CITT has a didactic dimension”, says the Centre’s director, Dr Magdalena Letun-Łątka. 

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