Sociologists of the University of Wrocław to talk about the intergenerational experience of femininity


On December 13, the Wrocław branch of the Polish Sociological Society and the Institute of Sociology of the University of Wrocław are inviting participants to a conference within the SocjoPercepcja series “Like mother, like daughter? Intergenerational experience of femininity”.

The proverb in the title of the meeting suggests that daughters follow their mother’s ways and eventually become very similar behaviorally. The organizers of the event want to check how the proverb verifies reality and to what extent the changing socio-cultural contexts affect the relationships of mothers and daughters and their (dis) compliance with the imagined and desired models of female identity.

The issue will be discussed by Dr Justyna Kajta of the University of Wrocław, Dr hab. Elżbieta Korolczuk, researcher of the University of Warsaw and Södertörn University, author of the book “Mothers and Daughters in Contemporary Poland” and Katarzyna Barczyk-Matkowska, author of the blog Lady Pasztet.
