Poznan University of Technology is implementing the Space Robot Testing Centre (OTRK) project. A test hall with a total area of approximately 700m2 has been built in its trams. It is a testbed for testing mobile robots for space exploration applications. Jewst equipped with two mobile robots and two unmanned multi-rotor flying vehicles.
The project also includes the construction of a climate laboratory equipped with a low-temperature thermal chamber for testing under cryogenic temperature conditions, a pressure chamber for testing under positive pressure and high vacuum conditions and a climate chamber for testing under simulated conditions of varying temperature and humidity,
Also part of the OTRK is a microgravity laboratory equipped with a frictionless microgravity simulation platform with a 12-camera optical object tracking system and a Mission Control Centre for the management and control of space mission simulations performed in the testbed.
Read more: https://www.put.poznan.pl/artykul/osrodek-testowania-robotow-kosmicznych-otrk