Awards in the ‘Best Diploma – Architecture’ competition

fot. Zuzanna Rogowska

The twelfth “Best Diploma – Architecture” competition was organised by the magazine ‘Architektura & Biznes’. It included engineering and master’s theses defended between 2021 and 2023. 

The first prize – PLN 4,000 and a month’s internship at Ultra Architects in Poznań was awarded by the jury to Zuzanna Rogowska’s engineering diploma thesis ‘A residential house with social functions in Warsaw’s Praga district’ prepared at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (PW).

The second prize for the thesis ‘Urban housing at Plac Zbawiciela in Warsaw’ was won by Laura Korach. Her engineering diploma thesis was presented at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (PW).

The second prize was also awarded to Karol Pieter from the Faculty of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology for his master’s thesis ‘Familok- tenement house of the XXI wieku – revitalisation of the historic Werdon patron housing estate in Ruda Śląska’. 

The third prize was awarded to Michał Ruman from the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology, author of the project “Sensory impact of the urban fabric. Redefinition of a spatial dominant in the urban structure on the example of a project for a multifunctional urban establishment in Warsaw’.

Technical sciences