Specialised laboratories to be created at the Academy of Applied Sciences in Elbląg

ANS w Elblągu

As part of the ‘Centre of Social Competence’ project, specialised laboratories and workshops will be created at the Academy of Applied Sciences (ANS) in Elbląg, thanks to which students will take part in practical classes, preparing them to take up professional positions in organisations using modern technology.

According to the announcements of the authorities of ANS in Elbląg, the laboratories of drones and 3D modelling, as well as laboratories for the Internet of Things, experiments with materials, robotics and mechatronics, and mobile device programming will be created this year.

The specialised laboratories will be used during classes in IT and Mechanical Engineering. The university, responding to the needs of the labour market, has created modern specialisations: 3D modelling and 3D modelling in medical applications, prototyping and interactive media.

Technical sciences