Strengthening cooperation between the Faculty of Mechanics of Power and Aeronautics of the Warsaw University of Technology and Łukasiewicz – Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements


An agreement on cooperation in education, research and popularisation of science was concluded between the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (MEiL) of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and Łukasiewicz – Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements (PIAP).

The agreement was signed by Prof. Janusz Frączek, dean of the Faculty of MEiL at the Warsaw University of Technology (PW), and Piotr Szynkarczyk.

The Faculty of Metallurgy and PIAP intend to carry out activities aimed at students (such as internships, apprenticeships, thesis and interim theses, including co-promotion of theses), organise seminars, lectures, didactic workshops and activities popularising science. The parties are also planning joint research and teaching projects. In addition, the Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements is providing substantive sponsorship for the Robotics Research Group, which operates at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Technical sciences