Student of architecture of the Krakow University of Technology wins an international competition


Kinga Szczudlik, a student of architecture at the Krakow University of Technology (PK), won the 7th international competition “STARTforHISTORY”. The laureate designed the “IN SPIRIT Art Center” at the Goleto Museum Park in Italy for an abandoned and partially ruined monastery from the 12th century.

The project of Kinga Szczudlik is a modern solution, but it is keeping with the atmosphere of the place. She designed an exhibition center connected with an auditorium, workshop rooms, a tourist reception center and a two-level consumption hall.

The competitions the “STARTforHISTORY” are dedicated to selected places of great historical and cultural importance. The organizers’ goal is to initiate a discussion on their significance as an area of ​​memory used by the present day.

The task of competition participants is usually to create a modern facility, inscribed in the historical context of the selected place, which can ensure its attractive development.



Technical sciences