Student of the Warsaw University of Technology awarded in the Polish-German competition


A student of the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology, Mikołaj Gomółka, received one of the two awards at the final of the competition for the annual Polish-German Integration Award BDA-SARP.

Mikołaj Gomółka received the award for the diploma work “Postcity. Shrinking cities on an example of Bytom”, written under the supervision of Prof. Eng. Sławomir Gzella. The project presents the phenomenon of depopulated cities in a wider historical context on the example of the city of Bytom. The author of the work looks for a solution to the problem, illustrates his vision of city centers with peripheral areas transforming into gardens.

This is an approach that in dense and prosperous cities would be impossible, but for diminishing cities it can become an encouraging proposition – emphasized the jury of the prize.

Higher education