Students and employees of the AGH University of Science and Technology create the promotional spot


Expedition to Spitsbergen, exploration of the Caucasus Mountains, races on the fast track or solar boat competitions – these are just some of the activities of students and employees of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow presented in their latest promotional spot.

“Our point of view – POV AGH” is a short film made from beginning to end by university students and staff. During the implementation, the creators used specialized cameras with the possibility of recording from the first person perspective.

The work on the AGH promotional spot started a year ago. “Our point of view – POV AGH” is the first promo that show how the slogan AGH “Wiedza-Pasja-Więź” (Knowledge- Passion- Bond) works in practice. The first film touches the theme of student passion, the next promo will reveal more scientific issues and lifestyle of students from AGH.
See the spot:

Events Higher education