Architecture students at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology have reconstructed the most likely layout of the Czech Edelštejn Castle from the heyday of the fortress, which was considered one of the largest of its kind in Silesia.
Edelštejn Castle stood on top of a hill about 690 metres above sea level east of Jeseník in Bohemia. Built in the 13th century, the fortifications were intended to protect gold and other precious metals, as well as the mining settlements established in the surrounding area and the trade route itself, leading from Silesia from Breslau via Nisa, Głuchołazy and Bruntal to Moravia.
Nowadays, the castle only contains fragments of the lower parts of the walls, parts of the corner tower and the round tower of the Bergfried type, as well as earth ramparts and a moat crosscut. The whole area is overgrown with forest, making it difficult for tourists to imagine what the place looked like years ago. The digital reconstruction prepared by Marcin Błażejewski and Joanna Trzaniec shows the castle in all its glory.