Students of the Białystok University of Technology develop a new car

Piotr Awramiuk PB

The Cerber Motorsport team from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Białystok University of Technology (PB) officially presented the CMS-08 car. Students from the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering were also involved in the work on the vehicle.

According to the authors of the vehicle, the new car will take part in Formula SAE Italy, Formula Student Czech Republic, Formula Student Austria, Formula Student EAST and Formula Student Germany.

“I am impressed by another work of the student scientific club Cerber Motorsport, which embodies advanced technical solutions, and at the same time is in line with the trends. The car is therefore lighter, uses less energy and uses solutions that allow it to achieve even better results on the track”, said the rector of the Białystok University of Technology, Dr Eng. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk.

The project was co-financed by the Minister of Education and Science from the state budget as part of the program “Student science clubs create innovation”.

Technical sciences