Students of the Warsaw University of Technology awarded Chemistry Medals 2021


Gold and Silver Medal of Chemistry 2021, as well as a distinction were awarded to the students of the Warsaw University of Technology (PW) in a competition organized by the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the DuPont company.

The Gold Medal of Chemistry 2021 was awarded to Paweł Wieczorkiewicz for his work “The influence of substituents on the electronic structure and intermolecular interactions in selected base pairs of nucleic acids”.

The Silver Medal of Chemistry was won by Karolina Urbanowicz for her work “Hydrophilic organo-complexes as effective photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy applications”.

Aleksandra Bandzerewicz, participating in the BoneReg project to develop two cancellous spongious bone implants, received a distinction and the Finalists’ award for her thesis “Development and optimization of the synthesis of poly (glycerol citrate)”.
