Students of the Wrocław University of Technology reach finals of the CanSat Competition United States


Students of the Wrocław University of Technology qualified for the finals of the international competition CanSat Competition United States. The competition simulates a real space mission including launching a rocket with a probe in the middle, launching it at a specific altitude, with use of a ground station to control all device parameters.

Students’ task is to develop a small probe, which will be dropped at an altitude of 700 meters and will collect data while falling. The weight of the device cannot exceed 500 grams, the probe must have specific dimensions (12.5 cm in diameter and 30 cm in length), and the cost of its construction must not exceed 1000 dollars. The design must withstand overloads of 30G and extremely high temperatures.

The competition will be held at the airfield in Stephenville, Texas in mid-June. 40 teams from around the world are invited to take part in it.

Events Technical sciences