Students of the Wrocław University of Technology to receive a modern flight control simulator


Students of the Wrocław University of Technology gained access to a modern simulator of traffic management at airports. The agreement on this matter was concluded by the rector of the university, Prof. Cezary Madryas, Andrzej Bisek, head of the Bisek company and a representative of the Lubin commune, where the university aerospace center is located.

The simulator enables mapping the appearance and functioning of each Polish airport. – At the moment, we are the only university in Poland that educates aviation engineering and will have such a modern and unique simulator at its disposal – says Prof. Cezary Madryas.

Simulator training will be available to aeronautical engineering students. In addition, they will be able to use the area of the airport in Lubin, where the airport center is located. There are plans to conduct didactic classes there and to start using laboratories with aerodynamic tunnels and technical workshops.

Higher education Innovations