At the SAE Aero Design East competition, students from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology presented their aircraft in two classes: Micro and Regular. The Micro aircraft won four awards: 3rd place overall, 3rd place for mission performance, 2nd place for technical presentation and 3rd place for technical report. The Regular aircraft was particularly recognised for its technical report (3rd place) and also took 4th place overall and 4th place for mission performance.
Forty-five teams took part in the competition, which took place in Florida, including teams from the United States, Canada, India, Brazil, Mexico, China and Poland.
The Micro class aircraft had to, first and foremost, meet the basic rules and regulations of the competition, including a maximum power limit of 450 watts, a span limit and the specifics of the mission profile.
The objective was to transport two types of cargo: boxes the size of a small pizza and metal bars.
In contrast, the Regular aircraft with a wingspan of 5.48 m was tasked with carrying the heaviest possible payload of metal bars.