The Nexus and Inventum student scientific clubs operating at the Department of Nature-Based Quality Sciences at Poznań University of Economics have won project funding as part of the Ministry of Education and Science’s competition ‘Student Scientific Clubs Create Innovations’.
The subject of the project ‘Innovative fermented products based on bakery waste and chokeberry pomace – from design to prototype’, carried out by SKN Inventum, will be the development of prototypes of health-promoting drinks obtained by lactic fermentation from bakery waste and by-products from the fruit and vegetable industry.
The aim of the project ‘TEAcycle – innovative functional teas based on fruit by-products’ carried out by SKN Nexus is to develop an innovative functional tea in a sustainable method of reducing fruit processing waste using a Design Thinking approach.
Read more: https://ue.poznan.pl/aktualnosci/sukces-kol-naukowych-w-konkursie-studenckie-kola-tworza-innowacje/