Success of Polish scientists in the BiodivERsA Call 2018 competition


Competition “Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health” (BiodivERsA Call 2018), co-organized by the National Science Center, has been successful for Polish research teams.

49 applications were submitted in the competition, of which 10 received funding for a total amount of approximately EUR 11.9 million. Six projects will be implemented with the participation of Polish scientists, including two in consultation with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

These two projects are “VOODOO. Eco-evolutionary dynamics of viral infections of wild and domesticated pollinators under the pressure of global change” with the participation of Dr Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi from the University of Agriculture in Krakow (in consultation with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and in cooperation with teams from France, Germany and Switzerland) and “FunProd. Relations between functional diversity and food production and quality under the influence of ecological intensification” with the participation of Prof. Werner Ulrich from the Nicolaus Copernicus University (in consultation with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and in cooperation with teams from Germany, France, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands and Slovakia).

Research and development