Success of students of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology at the Spaceport America Cup competition

Politechnika Wrocławska

Students from the science club of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Space took second place in the 10k SRAD Hybrid category in the Spaceport America Cup competition. The competition task of the rockets with a hybrid fuel engine was to rise to a height of 10,000 feet.

The judges assessed Progress Update, i.e. materials that were created during the construction of the rocket, i.e. simplified technical documentation and rocket construction log, and Technical Report, i.e. the final document with a description of the construction and operation of the entire rocket with all the required drawings and attachments.

The representatives of the Wrocław university took to the USA a rocket called “Pink Panthera”, which weighs 35 kg and is just over 4 meters high. They designed and built each of its elements on their own – from the engine, through electronics and communication, to the rocket position control system (i.e. small ailerons in the upper part of the structure).



Technical sciences