Świętokrzyska University of Technology starting cooperation with the Mesko company


Kielce University of Technology (PŚK) has signed two contracts with Mesko S.A., the defense industry company. The first agreement concerns many years of scientific and research and development cooperation, and the second one – cooperation on a project implemented by the Faculty of Mechatronics and Machine Construction of the Department of Information Technology and Armaments of the Kielce University of Technology, called “Innovative executive system for controlling the direction of the rocket engine thrust vector”.

Prof. Zbigniew Koruba, Rector of PŚK emphasizes, that this cooperation will build a bridge between science and industry. The president of Mesko, Tomasz Stawiński, stated that “modern technology supports soldiers on the battlefield. But without cooperation with scientists, there is no way to innovate in the defense industry. ”

The Kielce university intends to start training staff for the Mesko company next year. At the beginning, the offer of the University of Technology will include new directions related to modern military technologies.

Higher education Technical sciences