Technical University of Lodz to hold a conference on the world of consumption


Dr. Joanna Mysona-Byrska, professor of the Papal University in Krakow will deliver a lecture “Attempt to escape from the world of consumption” within the meeting organized by the Faculty of Management and Production Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology as part of the series of Open Scientific Seminars “Man-Business-Technologies”.

During the meeting, Dr Mysona Byrska will bring closer the characteristics of the world of consumption, its rules and principles, impact on society and the political system. She will attempt to answer the questions whether people may not be a consumer and whether it is possible to escape from the world of consumption.

The meeting is scheduled for 22 November 2018 at 4 pm on the campus of the Lodz University of Technology at ul. Wólczańska 215, in building B-9, room 418.

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