The first implementation doctorate presented at the Białystok University of Technology

P. Puzowski

The first presentation of the doctoral dissertation under the ministerial program “Implementation doctorate” took place at the Białystok University of Technology (PB). PhD degree was obtained by Paweł Puzowski, an employee of the PALWOD company, site manager and reception manager of many water treatment plants in the region.

The first implementation doctorate concerns a solution to improve the efficiency of groundwater treatment. It was based on the need to improve the quality of treated water at municipal treatment stations (in small settlement units), taking into account the feasible and applicable treatment technology and maintaining the lowest possible investment and operating costs, which would not increase water prices.

Prof. Eng. Marek Krętowski, vice-rector for research emphasized that the great value of these doctorates is their practicality. Here, research work most often serves to solve a real technical problem and is performed for a specific entity operating in a given industry.

Higher education