The youngest titular professor in the history of Poland

Facebook Mateusz Hołda

Mateusz Hołda from the Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Krakow became the first Polish scientist to be awarded the title of Titular Professor before turning 30. At the beginning of July, he was awarded the title of professor of medical sciences and health sciences in the discipline of medical sciences by the decision of the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

“This is probably the moment every scientist is waiting for. The result of nine years of intensive research work resulted in awarding me the title of Professor of medicine. And so, at the age of 29, I became the youngest professor in the history of Poland. There were more failures than victories on the way to this success – it was tough (sometimes very hard), but it was definitely worth it. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this success – there are many of you! I think that this is not the end of my scientific path, but only the beginning”, wrote Prof. Mateusz Hołda.
