Title of the Best Polish Invention received by a researcher from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław 

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

Agnieszka Krawczyk-Łebek from the Department of Food Chemistry and Biocatalysis at the Wrocław University of Life Sciences has won the Gold Medal and the title of Best Polish Invention of the 16th International Exhibition of Inventions ‘IWIS 2022’. It was awarded for new flavonoid glycosides with potential antimicrobial activity obtained by biotransformation.

“Computer simulations of the activity of the newly obtained compounds showed that they could have antimicrobial, chemopreventive, anticancer, liver-protective, but also cardioprotective effects”, says the laureate.

The 16th competition of the International Exhibition of Inventions ‘IWIS 2022′ was organised by the Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalisers in cooperation with the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations IFIA. It is Poland’s largest international exhibition dedicated to the promotion of invention and innovation. Inventors presented almost 300 solutions from various fields of science at the exhibition. 

Read more: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/mamy-najlepszy-polski-wynalazek-3918.html

Medicine and biotechnology