Two EU grants for international projects to involve scientists from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Fot. Bartlomiej Magierowski/East News

Preventing food waste and reducing CO2 production are the problems that will be tackled by teams of scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology (PWr) under the Interreg Central Europe programme.

The main theme of the Circus project is the prevention of food waste. It is estimated that around 20 % of all food produced (88 million tonnes) is wasted in the European Union every year, leading to unacceptable social, environmental and economic consequences. The total budget of the project is close to €2 million, of which the PWr budget is over €170,000.

Project Credit is an initiative that aims to increase the capacity of the Central European region to meet its climate goals by helping small and medium-sized manufacturing companies to decarbonise. It focuses on strengthening technology transfer capacity and accelerating the development and implementation of the necessary innovative solutions to achieve net zero emissions, so-called Net Zero.

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