Under ‘Applied Mathematics’ competition students can win admission to study at the Białystok University of Technology

fot. PB

Registration for participants in the 9th National Competition “Applied Mathematics” has started. Secondary school students can win an admission to any majors at the Białystok University of Technology (PB). Applications for participation are accepted until 2 February 2024.

Only student pairs can enter the competition. Participants are free to form a team – it can be a classmate, a peer from an interest group or a friend from another school. The important thing is for them to share a passion for mathematics and to work harmoniously together while solving tasks.

Winners of the competition will receive a permit to take up full-time studies at any chosen faculty offered by the largest technical university in the north-eastern region of Poland. In 2023, 14 students from secondary schools in Białystok and Ełk won Bialystok Technical University admission in this way.

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