SilezjatON, remote knowledge marathon about Silesia, Silesian issues and regional identity launched by the University of Silesia

fot. Uniwersytet Śląski

The University of Silesia is inviting the public to a remote knowledge marathon about Silesia, Silesian issues, and regional identity, SilezjatON, on 24 January.

„At a time when there is a lot of talk about the concepts of identity and identification and when we are constantly asked: “who are we”, it is worth reflecting on what a small homeland is – a place of birth, a place of work, or maybe even just an address? During the marathon, issues of identification and identity will be presented using the example of our small homeland, Silesia”, say the organizers.

The organisers are planning lectures and discussions on literature, film, music, cuisine, language, religion, history, and geography in an accessible and interesting format. Lecturers, academics, poets and novelists, translators, activists, and regionalists will give their lectures online.

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