SGGW to launch “Under the bison’s umbrella” project

fot. NFOŚiGW

The educational project “Under the bison’s umbrella” carried out by the Institute of Animal Sciences at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) was co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) with nearly PLN 800,000.

“The educational project is an important supplement to the active protection of our king of the forest carried out within the projects “Comprehensive protection of the European bison in Poland”, financed from OPI&E funds, and “Comprehensive protection of the European bison by the State Forests”, financed from the Forest Fund,” said Sławomir Mazurek, Vice President of the Board of the NFOŚiGW, who signed the agreement on behalf of the Fund. On the part of SGGW, the agreement was signed by the Vice-Rector for Science, Professor Tomasz Okruszko.

Educational activities will be conducted for two years, until the end of 2025. Over 77,000 participants are planned to attend. The project is primarily aimed at people with disabilities and excluded people.

As part of the project, an exhibition on the bison and its role in the environment is planned and 40 educational workshops will be held. 

The SGGW has also planned a series of 16 open webinars for different age groups and the publication of a book aimed at children entitled: “Under the bison’s umbrella”.
