The Interdepartmental Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience has been opened in the Department of Acoustics at the Faculty of Physics of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. There will be support for interdisciplinary research projects embedded especially in such areas as biophysics, psychoacoustics, biopsychology, cognitive science and neuropedagogy.
The laboratory will conduct research on the functional organization of the human brain with the use of transcranial brain stimulation methods to support the learning process. Research in the field of acoustics is also planned, in which neurotests and neuropeasurements will be carried out in the Laboratory, as well as neuroscience research with acoustic analyzes of the stimuli used in them.
The place has been equipped with a medical EEG device with full software, a neurofeedback device, a tDCS brain stimulator, as well as two high-class computers controlling experiments with numerous packages of psychological tests.
More: https://amu.edu.pl/dla-mediow/komunikaty-prasowe/miedzywydzialowe-laboratorium-neuronauki-poznawczej